Malaysia Independent Film situation

Presently, hope in the Malaysian film industry lies in the hands ofthe independent filmmakers. For the longest of time, the mainstreamindustry was going through a gradual but steady decline, both in termsof ticket sales and the actual quality of the films it was churningout.Something happened about five years ago that marked a turning. AmirMuhammad made "Lips to Lips", a small budget digital video film whichwas shown to small audiences, and suddenly it seemed easy to all filmaspirants. That marked the beginning of what is now a rollercoasterindependent movement.Today, a growing bunch of independent filmmakers are making films fora lot less money than the mainstream, but are receiving unprecedentedattention and accolades from the global festival circuit.To name a few, Amir himself made a film called "The Big Durian" whichwas officially selected for Sundance; Ho Yuhang received Special Juryprizes at Pusan and Rotterdam for his film "Sanctuary"; James Lee wonthe Best ASEAN Film and a FIPRESCI award at the Bangkok Film Festivalfor "The Beautiful Washing Machine"; and for her second film "Sepet",Yasmin Ahmad won the Best Asian Film award at the recent TokyoInternational Film Festival and the Grand Jury Prize at the CreteilFestival of International Women Directors in Paris.Even the short films are making a mark. Tan Chui Mui's "A Tree inTanjung Malim" won a Special Mention at Oberhausen, and Azharr Rudin'snew film "Majidee" is quickly and widely-recognised as possibly thebest short film ever to come out of the country.
------------Yasmin Ahmad
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