The Northern District Art Project 2006 :Raising Lanterns of Northern District
北區燈籠高高掛 ─ 北區藝術計劃2006
Raising Lanterns of Northern District
------- The Northern District Art Project 2006
opening time:30/09/2006 18:00
Exhibition Date:30/09 ~ 29/10/2006
Venue: Fai Chi Kei Bus Terminal
Edificio Weng Hoi ; Edificio Weng Ken
方惠萍Fong Wai Pang、古秀儀Ku Sao I、百強Pakeong Sequeira、李錦成Lei Kam Seng、李綺琪Gigi Lee、李浩強Lei Hou Keong、李溢慧Lei Iat Wai、李鳳瑩Denise Lei、李琦Lei Kei 、李美玲Lei Mei Leng、李香瑜Karen Lei、何振民Ho Chan Man、何素珍Ho Sou Chan、杜冠卿Tou Kun Heong、施明坤Si Meng Kuan、施援程Si Wun Cheng、陳秀燕Chan Sau In、陳遠問Chan Un Man、陳嘉盈Maggie Chan、區穎斌Ben Au、黃潔芝Wong Kit Chi、黃嘉寶Jaquelina inacio Vong、黃兆恆Wong Sio Hang、黃有珠Jenny Wong、梁祖賢Leong Chou In、梁立華Leong Lap Wah、梁國輝Leong Kuok Fai、傅曉棠Fu Hio Tong、裘鴻邦Kau Pong Hong、鄧驍John Tang、黎嘉敏Lai Ka Man、黎健瑤Lai Kin Iu、盤永傑Pond Wing Kit、蔣志儉Brian Cheong、劉善恆Lao Sin Hang、鄺家健Kuong Ka Kin、羅麗珊Lo Lai San、蘇惠瓊Sou Vai Keng、蘇侃哲Jose Lazaro das Dores、Corlos IP
Organizer:婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space
Sponsor:民政總署 ; 澳門基金會 / IACM ; Macao Foundation
Aside from the 2004 and 2005 The Northern District Art Project, Ox warehouse has also carried out a large-scale public artistic activity in 2006 which continue to enable inhabitants to get in touch with art in their daily lives.
We will also cooperate with Northern Region’s residential areas during this Mid Autumn Festival, with dozens of artists and residents together making creations on a lantern structure. We aim to pour in new thoughts and concepts to this tradition. The works will be hung on residential exits where participants and artists alike can also voluntarily discuss about exhibition locations interactively. This activity increases the Northern Region’s festive atmosphere and appreciate artistic beauty at all times.
No Cruzamento Entre a Avenida do Cornel Mesquita e a Averida do Almirante Lacerd
開放時間 / Opening Hour:12:00 ~ 19:00
逢星期二休息 / Close on Tuesday
網址 / website :
電郵 / E-mail :
電話 / Tel:(853)530026
Raising Lanterns of Northern District
------- The Northern District Art Project 2006
opening time:30/09/2006 18:00
Exhibition Date:30/09 ~ 29/10/2006
Venue: Fai Chi Kei Bus Terminal
Edificio Weng Hoi ; Edificio Weng Ken
方惠萍Fong Wai Pang、古秀儀Ku Sao I、百強Pakeong Sequeira、李錦成Lei Kam Seng、李綺琪Gigi Lee、李浩強Lei Hou Keong、李溢慧Lei Iat Wai、李鳳瑩Denise Lei、李琦Lei Kei 、李美玲Lei Mei Leng、李香瑜Karen Lei、何振民Ho Chan Man、何素珍Ho Sou Chan、杜冠卿Tou Kun Heong、施明坤Si Meng Kuan、施援程Si Wun Cheng、陳秀燕Chan Sau In、陳遠問Chan Un Man、陳嘉盈Maggie Chan、區穎斌Ben Au、黃潔芝Wong Kit Chi、黃嘉寶Jaquelina inacio Vong、黃兆恆Wong Sio Hang、黃有珠Jenny Wong、梁祖賢Leong Chou In、梁立華Leong Lap Wah、梁國輝Leong Kuok Fai、傅曉棠Fu Hio Tong、裘鴻邦Kau Pong Hong、鄧驍John Tang、黎嘉敏Lai Ka Man、黎健瑤Lai Kin Iu、盤永傑Pond Wing Kit、蔣志儉Brian Cheong、劉善恆Lao Sin Hang、鄺家健Kuong Ka Kin、羅麗珊Lo Lai San、蘇惠瓊Sou Vai Keng、蘇侃哲Jose Lazaro das Dores、Corlos IP
Organizer:婆仔屋藝術空間 / Old Ladies’ House Art Space
Sponsor:民政總署 ; 澳門基金會 / IACM ; Macao Foundation
Aside from the 2004 and 2005 The Northern District Art Project, Ox warehouse has also carried out a large-scale public artistic activity in 2006 which continue to enable inhabitants to get in touch with art in their daily lives.
We will also cooperate with Northern Region’s residential areas during this Mid Autumn Festival, with dozens of artists and residents together making creations on a lantern structure. We aim to pour in new thoughts and concepts to this tradition. The works will be hung on residential exits where participants and artists alike can also voluntarily discuss about exhibition locations interactively. This activity increases the Northern Region’s festive atmosphere and appreciate artistic beauty at all times.
No Cruzamento Entre a Avenida do Cornel Mesquita e a Averida do Almirante Lacerd
開放時間 / Opening Hour:12:00 ~ 19:00
逢星期二休息 / Close on Tuesday
網址 / website :
電郵 / E-mail :
電話 / Tel:(853)530026