MOVING CASTLE: Exchange Exhibition of Four Cities
----Exchange Exhibition of Four Cities
Date of opening : 2006-12-02 15h30
A city is imprinted with its numerous birthmarks that comprises our life footprints – street hawkers, hubbubs, scratches from graffiti, aroma of regional cuisines, Beijing’s Hutong, Hong Kong’s complicated and diverse architectures, Taipei’s Japanese-style alleys, Macau’s Portuguese-style architectures, all become our city’s memories. Being a member of our own city, we must strive our best to protect and reserve our culture and city landscape. The attempt to utilize present city lifestyles as our theme, artists with a unique eye discovers the city’s aroma, life experiences, city chances and lost corners. A come over of the real world, to discover artists’ observations and lifestyle methods… let us share their version of an ideal city!
Participating Artists:
Beijing : Xiang Jing Grace, Jiang Miao
Taipei : Paula, Ye Yi Li Lin Qiao Fang
Hong Kong : Phoebe, Xu Fang Hua Beatrix, Peng Qian Guo Yan Rui Fang
Macao : Bianca, Lei Sio Chong Kan Pui Ian
No Cruzamento Entre a Avenida do
Cornel Mesquita e a Avenida
Do Almirante Lacerda
Tel: 28530026 Fax: 28533047
Old Ladies House Art Space
Macao Foundation
Many of our childhood lives through fantasies dreaming of sky cities, flying motors, intelligent household robots, glass-constituted architectures, multicolored cities with people taking leisure walks…etc. But, have you ever fantasized these before? When these fantasies fade away while we grow, facing rapid changes under rapid economic developments, contradictions and disappointment gradually emerge that opposes to my own childhood fantasies.
The replication of modern city appearance, standardized glass-constituted architectural walls creates tasteless cities. We can easily capture cities with monotonous scenery as they all have lost its uniqueness and charisma. Then, how are we going to face the city we are living in?
Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau and Taipei’s rapid development wipes out their past memories, where demolition, renovation are continuously undergo in urban renewals. It seems like an unconscious violence that stretches spontaneously to different corners, environment, culture, values and humanism aspects. Human’s internal feelings involuntarily submit themselves to these changes. Affected by the so-called justified ideology, superseding of old and new architectures, boundless competition amongst wealthy corporate that develop gigantic architectures, high consumption and materialistic lifestyles, fitness advertisement’s hypnosis, pursuing of common identification values, our lifestyles are altered under urban development. Surrealistic developments, superstar advertisements and posters, contradict with the mid century’s religious murals that threaten the minds of the illiterates. Not proportional gigantic architectures that acts like monsters, are step by step destructing the urban landscape. This kind of development speed had forbidden us to learn from the originals, nor to walk past the human touches that had once soaked through streets and alleys. Streets and architecture lost their appropriate proportions, leading to a blindfold of aspiration for modernization. This city standard is fearfully expanding, and unconsciously, we open our arms to this invisible violence.
A city is imprinted with its numerous birthmarks that comprises our life footprints – street hawkers, hubbubs, scratches from graffiti, aroma of regional cuisines, Beijing’s Hutong, Hong Kong’s complicated and diverse architectures, Taipei’s Japanese-style alleys, Macau’s Portuguese-style architectures, all become our city’s memories. Being a member of our own city, we must strive our best to protect and reserve our culture and city landscape. The attempt to utilize present city lifestyles as our theme, artists with a unique eye discovers the city’s aroma, life experiences, city chances and lost corners. A come over of the real world, to discover artists’ observations and lifestyle methods… let us share their version of an ideal city!
Old Ladies House Art Space
----Exchange Exhibition of Four Cities
Date of opening : 2006-12-02 15h30

Participating Artists:
Beijing : Xiang Jing Grace, Jiang Miao
Taipei : Paula, Ye Yi Li Lin Qiao Fang
Hong Kong : Phoebe, Xu Fang Hua Beatrix, Peng Qian Guo Yan Rui Fang
Macao : Bianca, Lei Sio Chong Kan Pui Ian
No Cruzamento Entre a Avenida do
Cornel Mesquita e a Avenida
Do Almirante Lacerda
Tel: 28530026 Fax: 28533047
Old Ladies House Art Space
Macao Foundation
Many of our childhood lives through fantasies dreaming of sky cities, flying motors, intelligent household robots, glass-constituted architectures, multicolored cities with people taking leisure walks…etc. But, have you ever fantasized these before? When these fantasies fade away while we grow, facing rapid changes under rapid economic developments, contradictions and disappointment gradually emerge that opposes to my own childhood fantasies.
The replication of modern city appearance, standardized glass-constituted architectural walls creates tasteless cities. We can easily capture cities with monotonous scenery as they all have lost its uniqueness and charisma. Then, how are we going to face the city we are living in?
Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau and Taipei’s rapid development wipes out their past memories, where demolition, renovation are continuously undergo in urban renewals. It seems like an unconscious violence that stretches spontaneously to different corners, environment, culture, values and humanism aspects. Human’s internal feelings involuntarily submit themselves to these changes. Affected by the so-called justified ideology, superseding of old and new architectures, boundless competition amongst wealthy corporate that develop gigantic architectures, high consumption and materialistic lifestyles, fitness advertisement’s hypnosis, pursuing of common identification values, our lifestyles are altered under urban development. Surrealistic developments, superstar advertisements and posters, contradict with the mid century’s religious murals that threaten the minds of the illiterates. Not proportional gigantic architectures that acts like monsters, are step by step destructing the urban landscape. This kind of development speed had forbidden us to learn from the originals, nor to walk past the human touches that had once soaked through streets and alleys. Streets and architecture lost their appropriate proportions, leading to a blindfold of aspiration for modernization. This city standard is fearfully expanding, and unconsciously, we open our arms to this invisible violence.
A city is imprinted with its numerous birthmarks that comprises our life footprints – street hawkers, hubbubs, scratches from graffiti, aroma of regional cuisines, Beijing’s Hutong, Hong Kong’s complicated and diverse architectures, Taipei’s Japanese-style alleys, Macau’s Portuguese-style architectures, all become our city’s memories. Being a member of our own city, we must strive our best to protect and reserve our culture and city landscape. The attempt to utilize present city lifestyles as our theme, artists with a unique eye discovers the city’s aroma, life experiences, city chances and lost corners. A come over of the real world, to discover artists’ observations and lifestyle methods… let us share their version of an ideal city!
Old Ladies House Art Space